The pastors and people of Lawrence United Methodist Church warmly welcome you to worship with us! If you are a resident of the area and looking for a community of faith, we hope you will join us and consider becoming a part of our congregation.
Worship with us in person or online!
Sundays 10:30 AM

Find YOUR Spiritual Growth Class
9:00 a.m. | Wesley Room JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE
Studying “The Disciples of Jesus” by Dean Blevins. Study books are available in the church office for $8.50 each. Join us on Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2054409781?pwd=sK4jNw4WmydxLarn0gLj2M5nlBhmoZ.1 Meeting ID: 205 440 9781
9:15 a.m. | 105 FAITH, FUN & FELLOWSHIP for Kids (K-5) Led by Karen Zweck
9:15 a.m. | Conference Room LIFE LESSONS CLASS— Led by Jan MacDougall
Studying the Book of John.
9:15 a.m. | Room 107 FAITH & FUN CLASS— Led by Carl Clark Sr.
Studying Twisting the Truth, Learning to discern in a culture of deception. By Andy Stanley
10:30 a.m. | Combined Worship — Led by Pastor Kim
12-1 p.m. | Wesley Room TUESDAY NOON BIBLE STUDY – lead by Pastor Kimberly Tyler
Studying A People Called Methodists
7:00 p.m. | ZOOM WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY— Led by Pastor Kimberly Tyler
Studying the book, “Words of Life,” by Adam Hamilton.
Join us at:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83002791682
NEW Meeting ID: 830 6978 6663
Passcode: 658649
Phone # to Dial in +1 646 558 8656
Who We Are
Lawrence United Methodist Church (LUMC) is a diverse community of faith committed to shining the light of God’s love. Together, we enjoy genuine fellowship and passionate worship; encourage one another in faith and serve the needs of people in our community and world.
What We Do
Lawrence United Methodist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by:
Leading people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Inviting people to Christian fellowship
Guiding people to become more like Jesus Christ
Helping people discover and share their God-given gifts and
Taking the light of God to people in our community and the world.